In a world where animals are being starved and skinned, children are being sold as prostitutes, people are murdered simply because of the shade of their skin, villages are being burned, women are being raped, diseases are spiraling out of control with no cure in sight, and war seems to be just about everywhere, more than ever people are more concerned with addressing these issues omiting and censoring key factors, simply because their statements and/or opinions may not be deemed politically correct.
That's bullshit, in my opinion.
There is a fine line between getting your point across and bashing and insulting someone else. But the rules of verbal warfare have spun ridiculously out of control to a point where you can't even mention the word "gay" without being accused of being a homophobe.
In a society, like we have in the good ol' USA, who is so dead-set freedom it is amazing that we have begun to censor ourselves and silence our opinions as a whole for fear of being socially rejected of saying the 'wrong thing.'
Maybe if we all said what we meant and how we feel, there wouldn't be room for society to misconstrue what our opinions really are. If we stopped beating around the bush and made our points crystal clear, maybe, just maybe, assumptions would stop and our words would be taken more seriously.
If you don't like my opinion, don't listen to me.
If you don't like rap music, don't listen to the hip-hop station.
If you don't like gay people, well, stop watching Glee. (Joke!)
And if you don't like this blog, don't READ IT!
So the next time I call you gay, and you are, don't be insulted.
The next time I say, 'fudge you', don't get your panties in a bunch.
The next time I choose to expel my opinion all over this blog, try not to take it personally.
Thanks for reading. :)
Say what you mean and mean what you say! :)